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Aspirin and any medication containing aspirin should be discontinued prior to the surgical appointment – directions will be given to you regarding the length of time.
Inform the office if you are taking any anticoagulant (blood thinning) medication. i.e. Plavix, Coumadin, etc. Take any prescribed antibiotics as directed by your medical doctor for certain heart conditions (i.e. mitral valve prolapse, heart murmur, etc.) and total joint replacement (i.e. knee, hip).
Please inform our office of any allergies to medications. Eat a light meal prior to your surgical appointment. Avoid heavy or greasy foods. No tea or coffee the day of surgery. Please be clean-shaven on the day of surgery.
Your doctor may recommend that you do not operate a motor vehicle for 24 hours if you are given oral sedation, such as Valium or IV sedation for your surgery. Some medications cause drowsiness and slow down your reflexes. You must arrange for someone to drive you home. Other medications may not have this effect and you will be advised accordingly. Plan to rest at home the remainder of the day and the day following if necessary. Directions will be given to you regarding physical activity on the day of surgery.
NO SMOKING for 2 weeks following the surgery.
Please prepare yourself for surgery by reading the following sections thoroughly and carefully. The information provided will assist you in making the healing process comfortable and successful, minimizing any chance of unnecessary complications.
Following the surgical procedure, a dressing may be used to cover the surgical site(s). Let the dressing harden for one hour before eating or drinking anything warm. You may drink cold beverages immediately. Loss of the periodontal dressing is common. If your mouth feels comfortable, it is perfectly safe to have the area uncovered until your next appointment. If the dressing is dislodged or falls off, and you are uncomfortable, it is not an emergency. Simply contact the office for further instructions.
Gauze is a 2.2 square pad used to control bleeding after surgery. Please remove the gauze after one hour.
Dissolvable stitches will usually break down, loosen or disappear by the time you return for your first post-operative visit. Non-dissolvable stitches will remain in place until after your first or second post-operative visit at which time they will be removed.
Do not brush or floss the surgical area(s) until you are instructed to do so on the post-surgical visit. Instructions will be given to you about when you can return to a regular oral hygiene routine. An electric toothbrush should not be used at any time in the surgical area(s) UNTIL FURTHER INSTRUCTION. A Waterpik should not be used in the surgical area(s) for 6 weeks. DO NOT brush the surgical dressing, if one was applied.
Expect swelling. It may take 2-3 days of increased swelling before the area begins to return to normal. To help minimize the swelling, you will be advised to apply ice packs on the outside of your face, over the treated area for 15 minutes. Keep the ice pack in position for 15-minute intervals throughout the day (i.e. 15 minutes on the surgical site(s) and 15 minutes off). Ice packs should not be used after the first 24 hours. 48 hours following the surgery, you may apply a warm, moist compress (i.e. a wet face cloth) to the side of the face where the swelling is present.
Slight bleeding or oozing is normal during the first 1-2 days following surgery. If excessive bleeding occurs, place a wet tea bag (regular not herbal) directly on the area that is bleeding and apply firm pressure for 30 minutes. Do not rinse or spit for 12 hours. If excessive bleeding continues, contact our office immediately.
In the first 24-48 hours after a surgical procedure, slight bruising may occur. If a bruise appears, there is no cause for alarm. It is not a sign of a complication. Bruising will resolve on its own, usually over a period of 1 week. However, if bruising seems excessive or at all questionable, do not hesitate to contact our office.
Diet is restricted to soft foods and moderate temperature liquids. Avoid hard, extreme hot or extreme cold, chewy or spicy foods for the first 2 weeks following surgery. Food with small seeds should also be avoided since they may get caught under the surgical dressing or surgical area(s). Supplement your diet with any over-the-counter multi-vitamin pills. Do not skip meals. Regular food intake will make you feel better and aid in a faster recovery. Do not drink from a straw as the suction it creates may cause bleeding problems. No alcohol or smoking after a surgical procedure. Alcoholic beverages can slow down the healing process and may cause bleeding problems. Alcoholic beverages also interact with the pain medication to cause adverse reactions. Do not drink alcohol while taking medications. Do not smoke for 2 weeks following surgery. Smoking is an irritant to healing tissues and will delay the healing process.
It is important to get plenty of rest when recovering from any surgery. Plan to rest at home for the remainder of the day of surgery and also rest on the following day. Avoid sudden movements, bending and lifting heavy objects. When sleeping, prop your head on two pillows for the first night only, if possible.
Avoid any activity that elevates your heart rate (i.e. running, brisk walking, aerobics, sports, weight lifting) for 7-10 days or as determined by your doctor.
Your first post-surgical appointment is a follow-up to the surgical procedure. During this appointment, the dressing (if present) is removed and the surgical area(s) cleansed. At this appointment non-dissolvable stitches may be gently removed or left in for a longer period of time. Home care procedures (oral hygiene) are evaluated and customized to improve their effectiveness. The month following is very important in achieving a good healing result. By following these instructions closely and by maintaining good oral hygiene, your healing will be complete and your sensitivity will be reduced by your final post-surgical appointment.
If a second post-surgical appointment is necessary, the non-dissolvable stitches will be removed.
This appointment occurs 6-8 weeks following the surgical treatment and enables the doctor to evaluate the healing of the tissue. This information is necessary for us to complete a full evaluation for our records and to report to your dentist. A post-surgical cleaning will be performed in the surgical area(s) to remove deposits, roughness and stain from root surfaces above and below the gum line.
Your doctor may recommend that you do not operate a motor vehicle for 24 hours if you are given oral sedation, such as Valium or IV sedation for your surgery. Some medications cause drowsiness and slow down your reflexes. You must arrange for someone to drive you home. Other medications may not have this effect and you will be advised accordingly. Plan to rest at home the remainder of the day and the day following if necessary. Directions will be given to you regarding physical activity on the day of surgery.
NO RINSING, SPITTING OR DRINKING WITH A STRAW FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS. Any of these in the first 24 hours can lead to bleeding. Warm salt water rinsing should start the day after surgery. If Chlorhexidine (Peridex) rinse is prescribed, directions will be given to you.
After 24 hours you may begin brushing and flossing the areas away from the surgical site(s). Do not brush the surgical area(s) until you are instructed to do so, usually after the first post-operative visit.
FIRST 24 HOURS – Plan to rest at home the remainder of the day – When resting, elevate your head on two pillows to help decrease swelling. AFTER 24 HOURS – You may return to normal daily routine – Avoid strenuous activity for ten days, such as lifting and any activity that elevates your heart rate. STRENUOUS ACTIVITY CAN LEAD TO BLEEDING.
Ice packs – Some swelling can occur after surgery. To minimize this, you will be advised to use ice packs. Place the ice pack on the outside of your face, over the treated area for 15 minutes, and then take it off for 15 minutes. Continue to apply ice packs as much as possible the first 24 hours after surgery.
Slight bruising may occur. It is not a sign of a complication. Bruising will resolve usually over a period of a week.
Slight bleeding or oozing is normal during the first 1-2 days following surgery. If excessive bleeding occurs, place a wet tea bag (regular not herbal) directly on the area that is bleeding. Apply pressure for 30 minutes. Do not rinse or spit. If bleeding continues, contact our office.
Do not smoke for 2 weeks following surgery. Smoking is an irritant to healing tissue and will retard the healing process.
If dissolvable stitches were used, they will simply break down, loosen or disappear by the time you return for your post-operative visit. If non-dissolvable stitches were placed, they will be removed at your post-operative visit.
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